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There is a local who says “Be there where your customer is”

If you run a business, it’s important to engage in online marketing to grow your customer base. As a business owner, you don’t have any control over the pace at which marketing technologies evolve, so it’s important to focus on what you can control.

Do you want to learn digital marketing?

Well, before we go into the basics of digital marketing and even the advanced tactics, let’s first go over what digital marketing is.

That way we’ll be on the same page before we dive into step-by-step strategies.


Digital marketing is the act of selling products and services through channels such as social media, SEO, email, and mobile apps. 

The key to success in Digital marketing, however, is to generate a steady flow of targeted traffic that converts into sales and leads. Digital marketing is any form of marketing that involves electronic devices.


Like, WAY longer. About 100 years longer, to be exact.

 the first digital marketer 

His name: Guglielmo Marconi…

What? Marconi?

Yup. In 1896 he was the first human to demonstrate a “public transmission of wireless signals.”

This dude invented the radio.


Remember billboards? I do.

As a young kid. My experiences from the back seat of our car mostly alternated between: “Mom, when are we there?” and “Uh, look, McDonald’s, can we go?” whenever one of those 10-foot billboards popped up on the side of the road.

Many local businesses make the mistake of believing they should only use online advertisements and other forms of online marketing if they have a business beyond their immediate community.


Digital marketing is the key to helping your business grow, but many business owners are simply unaware of where to turn once they hit a business plateau or don’t have enough time to use the internet to their advantage.


  • Establish a strong social media presence. Social media grows more powerful by the day. …
  • Publish a weekly blog that’s worth reading. …
  • Leverage the power of Search Engine Optimization. …
  • Create a lead magnet. …
  • Build and nurture an email.


Reach webesstenialzz the art of online marketing. As a team of highly experienced digital marketing specialists In Pakistan. we use a mix of technology, creativity, and experience to help companies develop, run, and manage online marketing campaigns. From website development and branding to social media and SEO, we have what it takes to beat the noise. Feel free to schedule a free consultation right now to discuss your online marketing needs!

email us

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such as getting positive media coverage. Other PR plans are more comprehensive and designed to help an organization achieve its core business goals. Those short-term plans often become key components of an organization’s broader PR strategy.


Strategic Public Relations Plan

Before you start crafting your plan you should know your pitfalls and how to overcome them and help anticipate potential roadblocks in the future. Research is the main key that lets you leverage and there you may need to create new options. It also lets you know to whom you are typing to impress. What is important to them, and the most effective tactics for reaching them.

Get started with research and make a plan by performing these tasks;


The current situation

Take a look at the current situation that needs to improve, change and identify positive elements you can build on.


Signup as a source

Identify any industry, economic, or societal trends to take into account. For example, if the news is full of consumer concerns about a recent breach of electronic health records, it could affect the kind of PR plan a healthcare organization develops.


Data discovery 

Stats and other information collected through research can help you make a difference in your message.



This includes different tasks somehow like a milestone, event schedules, or deadlines you need to consider to develop your plan.


Be Realistic

Stick to your goal, budget, and staff appropriately.


“Today’s vast array of social media platforms and online groups offer businesses a wealth of opportunities to contribute to the larger conversations happening in their industry.

When it comes to marketing there comes many different biases that play a great role in consumer decision-making. Some of the most notable biases are

Trust issues

Anchoring bias

Authority bias

Social proofread


However, without the right knowledge or connections, most small and medium enterprises (SMEs) will never be able to obtain any form of natural public relations


In business, Believe It is something that may take years to build. Although many companies have amazing products or services, they still haven’t got their first customers after a few months, so getting the first recommendation or case study can be a long way. Due to the lack of social proof, the company has experienced growth like a snail because trust is the most important foundation of business. The only way to trust the business is actively managing and seeking a public shutdown is an excellent brand-building activity. This alone can rapidly increase the company’s growth in the early stages.



In the modern era of social media, many businesses boil down to brand positioning. Sadly, this usually starts with the vanity index, For example, followers, likes, and participation. When it comes to public relations, your brand is what you want to see in well-known media, showing your countless news articles, interviews, and news features. This shows your prospects in the industry and even your competitors.


Build a digital footprint

Google is so far the most often used search engine in the world, it turns out that it will not go anywhere. Now, if someone wants to search for you or your company, there are four possible results: bad media, no media, good media, or someone else with the same name as you. It is obvious which of these four we want. Having articles that rank well and show your company’s name, and even related search terms, show people who are researching your brand that you are a reliable and trustworthy source and the source they want to do business with.

Reputation management

In business, reputation is the pillar that forms in 20 years and takes 20 secs to destroy the reputation. To manage your reputation and, publish content, and messages that are consistent with your brand, and the way you want to be perceived that is through public relations.

Let’s say it in one sentence, reputation is everything, we should do our best to maintain it.


let us help you with the best practices and tips if you want your plans to get set mail us now and get in contact with us.














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I have already discussed; what PBN is and how you can set up: if you are not still read and ware of creating spam-free PBN Visit here.

How here in this article I want to share some checklist which must be followed to maintain PBN easily. 

These are the following checklists that should be used to keep in your mind every time while setting up a PBN. I will highlight the points with a different perspective: 


Website Backend Checklist (within one cluster) 

  • Avoid Global Redirects: .htc file must be configured correctly and use 301 and 302 wisely if needed.
  • Robot.txt must be configured correctly. As it should be but it PBN must take care extra.
  • Plugins randomized: Avoid too much optimization plugins 
  • Try to use a different theme or customize the design for each PBNs different for uniqueness 
  • Each PBNs has a unique author
  • No identical Tracking IDs 
  • Try to use different Page Names and Slugs 


Website Design Checklist

  • Add Contact, About and Legal pages 
  • Make different Call to Action with different design and theme 
  • All sites have proper categories and structure
  • 10-12 outbound links are enough for the home page 
  • Posts and pages proper titled and optimize 
  • No Interlinking of different PBNs or do not embed PBNs links in the footer section 
  • Quality Logo Added
  • Use different and quality images


Content Checklist

  • Avoid article spinning 
  • Use different category for content publishing 
  • Articles interlinked internally within the same site
  • Post length randomized (350-1000 words)
  • Articles optimized for long-tail keywords
  • Basic Onpage SEO on all pages
  • Proper Formatting on all pages Random Layout


PBN Management Checklist

  • All details are written down in the spreadsheet
  • Uptime monitor
  • Rank Tracker (optional)

These are very few points need to be considered, it can safe you upcoming updates and it also makes the different impact of your audience 

Finally, we have covered much on PBNs and we are still in working on a more informative article for Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Optimization, content outreach and link building and much More 

We will cover most of the digital marketing topic in this blog 

Keep in touch with us. Keep reading, keep sharing our content 

Last but not least. We are the best digital marketing agency in Pakistan. If you are looking professional. Contact Us.


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Because, Search engines reflect human behavior and COVID-19 is affecting worldwide and almost every industry rather it’s off line or online bear too much loose. As the news unfold to everyone “Social Distance” is only cure until discovered!!

Based on latest updates Covid -19 also effecting SEOs and Digital World and we need to respond it.

But the question is, where and how Covid -19 Effecting SEO and how we can handle in full lock down situation not in a country but whole world.

Some of industry almost seems dead in this year and it may be take long time to stable again.

In this Article I will highlights and some basic and effective solutions which helps to at least make their presence alive on Search Results

Let Discuss one by one!!

1: Travel and Tourism Websites

Top of the list that hit so hard. No one can even imagine that traveling across the world will be bane. In my whole life I had never  heard this natural disaster before, that almost break down the whole travel industry. Every link domain like hotels also hit badly

Coronavirus hitting travel industry so hard and its estimated cost more than 46.6 billion dollars. Accordingly global business travel association, due to virus airlines restricts to cancel upcoming flights and business has been canceling their major conference and events

As per my notice, Due to travel restriction and social distance, travel website lost their huge impression and traffic. if people queries for “Cheap Flights” and visit the website to  cancel , refunds or delay  their trip  until future updates. Or there are wondering for super discounts


How to Respond:

As travel media expert: Travel companies must shift to customer support and reputation management, not acquisition. They must know their visitors interest. Where they are shifted

Travel Seos Expert, can help this efforts to closely analysis the data which they are getting via Google analytics user queries section.

Once they get to know their customer interest they must launched some out of the box offers and discount which helps your user connected with you and update with them upcoming travel happening and possible solutions for them.

Keep working on Content management and marketing and keep update your websites blogs and social networks not to out rank from the organic places. Make your online organic presence strong for future challenges.

2: Online Shopping Sites/Ecommerce Sites

Ecommerce sites that sell essentials and surgical equipment seems huge spikes in impressions and trafficThat’s coming from “Hand Sanitizer”  “Masks “and other products that is related to pandemicQueries Related to “Hand Sanitizer Near to me “Sound more in demands. On other hands cosmetics and other fashion related products seems low impression and will be in low demands.Same as for gyms people will switched to “online workout” or “workout from home” and so on.

How to Respond:

Due to high demand, SEO should create a high demand product pages, based on impression and clicks data, make them user and mobile friendly and crawl those pages with error free. Create specific sitemap with high priority and index them on search console to make it fast visible to search results. Create some possible some knowledge blog content about products.Keep Engage your visitors with latest offers, and alternative products on social business pages.

3: Health and Welfare Sites:

As a result of COVID-19 the health and wellness site will take over all large impression and traffic, People more likely to search “Symptoms of Coronavirus” etc.Recently Google has been cracking down on content that provides advice and information on things like medical issue accordingly to their quality rate guidelines holding to a very high standard.

How to Respond:

Follow E-A-T rule in making links with user. Striving for expertise, authoritativeness, and trust with this type of content is more important now than ever.

Because for medical issues people turn to search engines and this responsibility can’t not be taken light.

4.Recipes Websites:

Due to lock down and social distance remedy restaurants and food points will close for long that why it more likely to get more impression and traffic on recipes website as many people try to make their own meal and will search highly for easy made foods.

How to Respond:

Use recipe structured data to enhance the visibility of your recipe with easy available ingredients.Pick daily food list to that locally people most. Options of snacks with evening tea etc

5: Publisher and news website:

This is no surprise that news and publisher website will hit huge impression and traffic now a days.People will search for upcoming updates and follow the daily routines.

How to Respond:

On journalist continuously report, publisher offer some support in many ways

  1. Like: Make sure AMP pages work fine and did not serve any errors
  2. Analysis and make sure all the pages crawl accordingly

6: Local Business Website:

If you are serving local business like restaurant bar store etc. It will clearly seems its impression and traffic gone down as its seasonal issue like coronavirus

How to Respond:

Try to work on holiday’s hours on Google My Business and make a question and answers list to make your audience alive and keep updating your future deals like free delivery etc


In this time brands reduce their campaign budgets and focus on organic search and SEO may be more important now than ever so your website insight and data will be king!!

You are responsible of your own data to benchmark this will help you to identified your user needs

So you are ready to meet those needs or not!